What we do
At the Together Trust, we deliver individual care, support and education services across the North West.
We're passionate about helping our students thrive. Our specialist staff team combine their expertise with flexibility to support students in their learning.
Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is Bev Wheeler. If you'd like to get in touch, you can email her on Beverley.Wheeler@togethertrust.org.uk or call our school reception 0161 283 4750.
Our governing body of dedicated individuals volunteers their time to support us and set strategic objectives. Together, the governing body outline key policies, create meaningful targets and monitor our services.
We also invite a local authority representative to attend.
Need more information?
If you'd like to know more about Inscape House School's governing body or want to volunteer as a governor, get in touch with the governors' clerk.
T: 0161 283 4848
You can also contact the Chair, Mr Giles Gaddum, on the number above or by post:
c/o Clerk to the Governing Body
Together Trust
Schools Hill
You can read more from our senior management team below.