Therapy and specialist support for Parents/Carers
Our therapy packages are individualised to meet the needs and interests of the child or young person. We aim to work collaboratively with families and professionals across health, education and social care sectors to provide the best possible service for our young people.
Coffee Mornings
We offer coffee mornings for parents & carers of people with autism and social communication needs: These provide an opportunity to liaise with members of our professional team, comprising of a speech & language therapist, occupational therapist, sleep practitioner to gain advice and support. They also provide an opportunity to gain support and share practical ideas with other parents/carers
Sleep consultations
Our range of webinars are delivered by specialist practitioners on a range of topics including: Supporting your Sensory child; Emotional regulation and Sleep
Therapy assessments, reports and direct therapy
The Together Trust can provide therapy assessments, reports and direct therapy interventions at home or in school
Sleep Services
Our Specialist Sleep Practitioners work closely with families to provide bespoke sleep programmes for young people who have autism and other complex needs. They provide workshops and 1:1 clinics for families and for professionals to advise on good sleep hygiene practices and to unpick some of the complex issues impacting on a family’s sleep. We also work with schools to raise awareness of the importance of sleep for health and wellbeing, and to help pupils implement positive sleep habits in their routines.
Typically many of our sleep services are delivered in family homes but more recently we have adapted our services to provide remote sessions with parents and carers using video and telephone calls, which has proved very successful.
Autism Sleep Clinic
Many children with autism have poor sleep patterns. From complex bedtime routines to night waking and early morning waking, every child is different. But there is something you can do about it. The autism sleep clinic is here to help.
For fifteen years, we’ve been running regular workshops and one-to-one appointments for parents and carers. Our experts offer practical advice and tailor-made sleep programmes to suit your child. Because poor sleep doesn’t have to be a lifelong pattern.

Sleep Tight Bradford and Craven
Sleep Tight Bradford District and Craven provides specialist one-to-one sleep clinics for parents of children, aged 2-11 years old who are experiencing sleep difficulties. Our sleep practitioners work with you to create a personalised sleep plan for your child so everyone can get a good night’s sleep. We’ve also got loads of information and advice on our website to support you and your family.
Feedback from our Sleep Services
“Honestly, it’s been incredible and she’s doing great! Before the appointment I could have counted on one hand the number of times she slept through and now she is self-settling at bedtime and sleeping through. The service has been really appreciated. The way you’ve delivered it has been superb and the follow up service has been really great. The information has been easy to follow - all really impressive especially under the current circumstance! ”
“It’s worked! He is now going to bed on time and getting up at 8am. This means that he can now access other activities that he previously wouldn’t be able to do. But now he can because he is up, this is the cumulative kock-on effect that it has had and this will make a massive difference to his mental health!
We as a family were incredibly stressed by A’s sleep patterns. His reluctance to go to bed or get up when everyone was asleep had caused conflicts between his brother and us (parents) as he’d wake people up. His Autistic Spectrum Condition had exacerbated the situation and while A has struggled with sleep since he was a baby, this lockdown drama and no school had made this untenable. The house is now calmer, we are all getting better sleep and very importantly A’s little sister is not being exposed to the arguments that ensued when A wouldn’t be quiet at night. It will also hopefully result in his elder brother liking him a bit better as with all the problems he was causing that friendship was non-existent. While it’s still early days I’m hopeful we can keep this up.”