Today I'm thankful for
During these uncertain times, it's important we celebrate the big and little things in life because now more than ever it’s the small things that can make a big difference.
At the Together Trust we are thankful for the continued hard work of our amazing key worker staff, acts of kindness from our local community and the strength and resilience of the people we support.
Will you to join us? We've put together a handy toolkit to help you spread some joy, happiness and hope as part of our 'I'm thankful for..' campaign.

Poster template
Get involved and let us know what you’re thankful for by following these 3 simple steps
- Print out the template or get creative and draw your own!
- Write down what you’re thankful for today
- Share your photo on social media using #TeamTogetherTrust
We'd love to spread this far and wide so please share why you're thankful on social media and ask your friends to get involved. Make sure you tag us in!
Join us and help us to spread joy, happiness and hope during these uncertain times.
Our fundraising has seen a huge decline since the outbreak of COVID-19 - but if you are able to make a donation to support the ongoing work of our fantastic services we are so thankful to you. Together we'll change lives.

Once you've joined our campaign why not add a profile frame? Just search Facebooks profile picture frames for 'Thankful campaign sticker' to add yours.
Or download our digital sticker to add to your photo. You can pick from orange, teal and purple.