Therapy and specialist support for Organisations
Our therapists and autism specialists have experience of working across a wide range of organisations to provide information, support and consultancy to develop awareness of autism and how you can create a more positive experience for your staff and stakeholders.
We can deliver a range of training courses that can be tailor made to meet the needs of your staff. Therapists can also be available during the school day for Drop-in sessions where teachers can seek advice about issues relating to speech, language and communication strategies or sensory processing and fine motor skills.
What can we offer?
We can offer a number of key services for your organisation. These include:
•Autism awareness training for staff
•Supporting employees who have autism
•How to support interviews and recruitment process for people with autism
To find out more get in touch below

Commisioning our services
Our Therapy Services can be commissioned by Local Authorities, Schools, Academy Trusts, Colleges, Nurseries, Social Care services, clinical commissioning groups and by individual families. We can be commissioned for one-off assessments or consultation sessions or for longer term contracts as required.
Close working relationships across our multidisciplinary team allows easy access to other professionals and speedy onward referrals as required.
The Together Trust is a not-for-profit organisation offering therapy services at competitive rates. Please contact us for more information or to arrange an informal meeting to discuss your requirements.