Six steps to a good night’s sleep

A good night’s sleep can make a huge difference to our daily life. Sleep can help us stay healthy, improve our mood and is super important when it comes to learning. To help you or your child get a good night’s sleep, here are six easy steps to follow.
Steps to success
Be active during the day
Exercise and an active daily life contribute to a restful sleep. Even an afternoon walk around the block can help.
Get the room ready
Start winding down for bedtime by putting toys away, gadgets on charge and switching off the TV.
Have a healthy supper
No one likes to go to bed with a rumbling tum. A healthy snack can help your child sleep right through to breakfast.
Get ready for bed
Having an evening ritual can help form healthy bedtime habits. Have your child brush their teeth, shower or bathe, then pop on their pyjamas.
Get into bed and turn off the light.
If your child is afraid of the dark, take a look at our guide to ‘Blocking out the light’ which includes some helpful tips and activities you could try.
Now it’s time to sleep
To help you get in a good routine, follow these steps to success every night. If you need a reminder, download our handy guide at the bottom of this page to print and stick on the wall.