Sleep Services Self-Funded Packages
A good night’s sleep can make a huge difference to our daily life. Sleep can help us stay healthy, improve our mood and is super important when it comes to learning.
Our experienced team of dedicated sleep practicioners can work with you and your child to provide the information, advice and support you need to combat any sleep issues you have in your family. We have many years of experience working with families and seen hugely successful results from our services.
We have three different packages meaning you will find the option that is right for you and your family. Take a look at the different packages below as well as our sleep resources and information about some of our sleep practitioners:
Bronze Package - £99
If you sign up to our Bronze package you will receive:
- Online 1:1 consultation with a specialist sleep practitioner, lasting up to 45 minutes
- Verbal advice provided along with an email summary of advice
- Optional 30 minute follow ups can be provided at £40 each

Testimonials from parents who have accessed our sleep services
Click here to read our Parent Testimonials
The techniques in the plan are working. He has taken to his new routine really well and is staying in his own bed all night instead of coming and getting in with me. This is helping me to sleep a lot better and I feel less paranoid during the night. We have had a really good couple of nights. Parent of boy aged 6 years
Everything has been really positive since we last spoke. Since the plan, E has been sleeping in her own bed throughout the night, every night which has been great. Your advice around keeping the night light on and white noise has also helped and she is now finally self-settling much better. She loves her reward tick chart and has been getting full stars almost every night, for her rewards she has chosen a trip to the cinema, a trip the library and more. Sleep has also improved for myself and my husband, he is no longer waking up in pain with his back because he is hanging off the edge of the bed! One thing E loves is the one-page profile, she oftens looks at your picture and says “Will you tell P that I am getting all of my stars” huge improvement Parent of girl aged 4 years
A has really enjoyed using the weekly planner and it has been a good tool for him. We have been doing it as an activity together each week, the worry wall has been working too. We have been having lots of conversations around sleep and he really likes the fact that all of these resources have been made just for him. These have helped with his anxieties. Since we last spoke he hasn’t had any nightmares and hasn’t wet the bed once which has been a big improvement. He looks at the sleep quiz most nights and he is starting to understand sleep a lot more Parent of boy aged 7 years
Well you are not going to believe this but A has slept through for 5 nights in a row!!! Things are going well so far Parent of boy aged 4 years
Silver Package - £149
If you sign up to our Silver package you will receive:
- Online 1:1 consultation with a specialist sleep practitioner, lasting up to one hour
- Written advice letter outlining a bedtime routine and tips to try
- General sleep resource pack posted to your family
- Optional 30 minute follow ups can be provided at £40 each

Gold Package - £299
If you sign up to our Gold package you will receive:
- Online 1:1 full sleep assessment with a specialist sleep practitioner, lasting up to one hour
- Bespoke sleep plan provided
- Bespoke sleep resources provided, themed on your child’s interests
- Up to 2 x 30-minute follow ups to check on progress and make further suggestions . Optional 30 minute follow ups can be provided at £40 each

Read our Disclaimer
With numerous studies, surveys, professional approaches and expert opinions around sleep, there can be conflicting messages around the best ways to support sleep.
All the approaches and methods we use are aligned with the best practices recommended by the NHS (UK) and other leading sleep organisations and researchers.
Whilst there are common sleep issues and strategies that may support the sleep of most babies and children, we also acknowledge there are different parenting and professional styles that may favour one approach over another. There is no single solution that will suit everyone.
Our specialist sleep practitioners will provide you with a bespoke sleep plan and resources to support you to support your child’s sleep. When you implement the sleep plan consistently each night, we would expect you to see positive changes in your child’s sleep. However, sleep is not an exact science and review appointments may be key in ensuring the plan is a good fit foryour child and family.
Recommendations are evidence based and are not a substitute for medical advice or parental choices and responsibilities.
Meet our sleep services team
Meet Leah
I am a specialist sleep practitioner, qualified teacher, mother to two boys and a wife. Through the latter roles I have gained an abundance of personal experience as to how a lack of sleep can impact physically and mentally on the health of children and parents alike. As a specialist sleep practitioner, I have been trained to understand the complexities of sleep and have a wealth of knowledge to provide guidance in behavioural strategies to support improving sleep. I have worked with a vast number of families and children with a range of differing needs and sleep problems. I have a proven track record in increasing sleep length and sleep quality for the children and families that I have worked with and look forward to seeing how I can support you and your family.
Meet Moira
I’m Moira Draper and I work for The Together Trust as a specialist sleep practitioner.
I find the topic of sleep fascinating and I know how amazing people feel when they have regular good sleep in the right amounts regardless of age. I have had my fair share of sleepless nights as a parent of four sons - all grown men now. Having experience of a few sleepless nights more recently on occasions when caring for my granddaughter. Being sleep deprived is the worst.
Good sleep is essential for your physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing, my training as a Sleep Practitioner started out in 2008 after working with families for 15 years and recognising that no one talked about sleep problems but so many families were struggling because of sleep deprivation. I wanted to be a Professional who supported people to resolve their sleep issues or those of their children more commonly.
I enjoy my work and find it very rewarding when parents implement sleep advice offered and it brings positive changes in varying measures and how much better families feel when they get the sleep they need. Maybe you are in that place and would like some support to resolve your child or teens sleep issues…..please contact……..