Increasing skills and knowledge by volunteering at the Together Trust

Tahira Poswal works at one of our schools, Inscape House, as a reading support volunteer working on a 1 to 1 basis with students. Tahira helps the students with reading and numeracy and has been filling this role now for a few months.
Tahira says the experience has been incredibly positive. “I’m really enjoying it so far. They’ve really welcomed me into the classroom and the school, and everyone has been really nice.”
Working at the Together Trust has provided Tahira with opportunities for personal and professional development. She first heard of Inscape House School when she and her family were looking for a special educational needs provider for her brother, who has autism. Tahira “wanted to learn more about autism”, as well as do some “volunteering that was meaningful.”
At present Tahira spends one day a week at Inscape usually for one- or two-hours doing reading support, though she hopes her role will be expanded soon.
The skills Tahira is gaining, as well as the relationships she is forming, are providing her with a groundwork to build upon in the future. “I’m learning a lot” she said, “I would love to work in this field in the future at a SEN school. Volunteering is giving me a good foundation.”
The education she is receiving combined with the personal and emotional satisfaction that comes with volunteering are not lost on Tahira, who believes “it’s a really positive way to spend your time.”
Tahira would recommend volunteering to anyone who is considering it. On top of “enjoying helping to teach,” Tahira says that volunteering at Inscape House School has given her “the satisfaction of making a difference.” It is “a really good opportunity” to learn about the sector and “become part of a school community.” Tahira says that this is a “great way to gain knowledge of SEND establishments.”
“The school have been very supportive and accommodating” Tahira says, when asked about starting as a volunteer, wanting to reassure anyone who may be nervous about beginning the process.
Whilst encouraging anyone who is thinking about volunteering at the Together Trust, she spoke about how rewarding and satisfying it was. When asked about what the most satisfying part of volunteering had been, Tahira was unable to pinpoint a single moment instead saying, “It’s not really one big thing, it doesn't work like that.” Instead, Tahira comments that the most satisfying part of volunteering is “familiarising herself” with a classroom environment. “It’s the little moments that happen during day-to-day classroom life.” Here’s to many more of them.
If you’d like to find out more about volunteering with the Together Trust click here.