Students explore creativity and craft stories during National Storytelling Week 2024

Last week, students at Inscape House School celebrated the art of storytelling and the power of stories to connect, entertain, and inspire as a part of National Storytelling Week 2024.
Between January 30 - February 6, all students participated in storytelling workshops in place of their usual library sessions. The workshops were mainly hosted by our student librarians and supported by our dedicated Librarian, Jenna.
The storytelling enthusiasts worked in their classes to come up with some incredibly imaginative stories using story dice as a prompt, enhancing the communication skills they used during the storytelling process. They also crafted their own fairy tales by arranging fairy tale puzzle pictures, connecting them in a line to write a narrative.
In another activity, students made characters on wooden spoons and then discussed their characters with their classmates to collaborate and build their class story, including their new wooden friends.
The young people enjoyed the freedom to decide where the story went, with the Inscape Fairy Tales being rollercoasters of emotion that took many dark twists and turns.
An example of one of the story dice stories that the students came up with reads:
“It was a cloudy Monday morning, and I was outside playing football. I could hear music. It was bound to be Leyla. Leyla always plays her music loud enough for the whole street to hear. The music made me stumble, and I fell over. I was hurt, I lost consciousness.
In my dream, I heard a train. I looked out of the window, and to my surprise, I saw an actual train with a man standing beside it. The man started running beside the moving train. I watched him jump onto the side of the train, clinging on with all his might. The train disappeared into a tunnel…” - Post-16 class collaborative effort.
Inscape House School is looking forward to welcoming the award-winning author Giovanni 'Spoz' Esposito next month to keep spreading a love of storytelling and reading among our young people.