Rocking around the Christmas tree at Newbridge centre

Preparations for Christmas are well underway at Newbridge, our Stockport-based day centre for disabled and autistic adults. The fantastic staff team have been working hard on making sure the place looks festive in time for December.
From the unique white Christmas tree under which tens of presents lie waiting, to the beautiful paintings on the windows of snowmen and reindeer: the staff have really outdone themselves this year.
And to mark the beginning of the festive season, our young people spent the day carolling in an engaging Sign & Sign session organised by Sharon, Senior Community Support Worker. Wearing festive knits, glittery t-shirts and headbands, they sung along, danced and shook bell rattles.
The most exciting part of the day was obviously Santa’s quick stop during the song “Catch that Santa”. His arrival was warmly welcomed as he went around everyone handing out treats.
Well done team Newbridge!