Letter to Gavin Williamson
We have written to Gavin Williamson to raise our concerns about the consultation process of the children's social care review
Dear Gavin Williamson
We are saddened to see the hurt and disappointment from the care experienced community who have been campaigning for a rethink of our care system for many years.
Whilst it appears the chair of the children’s social care review has good intentions to consult with the community, we have deep concerns about the number of care experienced people that will actually be engaged as part of the process. The terms of reference for the review do little to reassure us that it will be the bold and participatory review that many of us had hoped for.
With just under two weeks till the review is due to start, we seek clarification from the Department for Education and Josh MacAlister on two points:
- How will they look to engage with people not selected for the experts by experience group?
- What is the allocated budget for the review?
And finally, we echo Article39’s plea not to rush this vital once-in-a-lifetime opportunity but instead make a firm commitment that the review processes going forward will be transparent and inclusive.
Mark Lee, Chief Executive
Jill Sheldrake MBE, Service Director