Darren Evans, Positive Behaviour Support lead, hosts a webinar in collaboration with NATSPEC
Last month, Darren Evans, Behaviour Analyst and PBS Lead at Bridge College, hosted a webinar in collaboration with The Association of National Specialist Colleges (NATSPEC). The webinar provides an opportunity to learn about a range of practical positive behaviour support (PBS) strategies and how these can be used to improve access and engagement in learning. The session also includes strategies for use by parents, staff and students, in the home learning environment and an education setting. For the webinar and her invitation to host the webinar, Darren Evans shares:
“At the end of last year, Lisa Duncalf, the Principal of Bridge College, who is also a Director of NATSPEC, asked if I wanted to speak about how PBS could help with learning at the NATSPEC Conference in May.
“NATSPEC is leading the way with continued professional development across the specialist education sector, so I jumped at the chance of presenting. Unfortunately, COVID-19 meant the conference was cancelled. However, NATSPEC as so many other innovative organisations have done, came up with an alternative solution, to host the workshop as a webinar.
“This involved some tweaks to the material, to ensure it would work in a webinar format, but with the same message that in our sector when PBS is done correctly, it not only compliments learning but is essential to it. I hope this came across in the presentation, which can be viewed at The impact of Positive Behaviour Support on Learning.
For someone who has been a trainer for nearly 20 years, it felt a bit odd delivering a presentation to an empty room, but I did enjoy it and have had some lovely feedback. I think it is a great way to get information out there in these uncertain times.”
Here’s some of the fantastic feedback Darren Evans has received:
“Thank you for the very informative webinar today.” - David Lowe, Curriculum and Behaviour Manager, Trinity Specialist College
“Thank you for an excellent webinar presentation today.” - Jo, Director: Interior Health Design / IHD
“Interesting and helpful webinar thank you” - Julie, Petty Pool