What we do
At the Together Trust, we deliver individual care, support and education services across the North West.
Together Trust Centre, Schools Hill, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 1JE
Come along to our monthly drop-in and chat coffee mornings with our Therapy and Specialist Support team.
Professional therapists are available to chat to, including:
- Speech and Language Therapists
- Positive Behaviour Practioners
- Sleep Practioners
- Occupational Therapists
- Education and Clinical Psychologists
Parents and carers have the opportunity to meet others in a similar situation and our team can provide information and support in areas you might be experiencing difficulty in.
We also provide a comprehensive Autism specific library and many other resources which parents and carers are welcome to access.
Monday 15 July 2024
T: 0161 286 4201
E: admintss@togethertrust.org.uk