Adam - Why I'm running the London Marathon for the Together Trust
We couldn’t provide the support we do without the tireless efforts of our generous supporters. Whether they are baking cakes, shaving their heads or taking on challenge events; every penny raised contributes towards championing the rights of children, young people and adults across the North West.
One such supporter who is going above and beyond to raise money for the Together Trust is Adam who is taking on one of the biggest challenges you can by running the London Marathon this October. We caught up with Adam to find out why he is taking on the challenge and raising money for our services and the people we support:
What made you want to take part in the Virtual London Marathon?
Honestly? having a big mouth. I said I would do it if there were places and Lo and Behold, one appeared from Together Trust...
Why did you choose to support the Together Trust?
The Together Trust is a client of mine and the more I work with the company the more I recognise that all and any exposure for localised charities is a good thing.
Have you run a marathon or taken part in a running event before?
No Marathons before... Longest run to date was 15 miles cross country in 2017. Have done lots of 10ks and felt that if 2021 wasn't my marathon year then I'll never do it again.
How are you finding training?
Hard actually. Road running is not good for my knees so I’m doing more off road at the moment.
What fundraising activities have you got planned?
I'm just going to strong arm my social networks both on and offline and remind them that I've sponsored everything they've asked me to!! Hopefully guilt will be enough
How has covid impacted on your fundraising and training over the last year? Have you had to change your original plans/activities?
It’s made me have a little more time to train as I’m no longer doing a daily work commute which gives me a lot of time back... Covid hasn't affected it as much as the weather has though - the cold start to the year was something of a blocker
Do you have a quote that describes how you feel about taking part in the Virtual London Marathon?
I've invented some excellent swearing whilst training, but every week that goes by makes the distance more probable than possible now. I'll be delighted to complete the event
We are always looking for more people to join team Together Trust and raise money to help us deliver life-changing care, support and education to thousands of people so they can lead the happy, fulfilled lives they deserve.
Click the link below to find out what events we have coming up which you can get involved in: